Saturday, June 18, 2011

Separations....Church and State

I've decided to jump right into one of the most controversial topics in our country today - Same Sex Marriage. This is a subject that has people divided all across America. In fact it's even trending on Twitter right now - - by Lady Gaga. The reason that seems to be given the most against Same Sex Marriage is that it goes against the 'Holy Union' of marriage. Well guess what, that's a religious view. Other than religious views against Same Sex Marriage, I have yet to really hear a sound reason why it shouldn't be allowed. If some one wants to be married by a Justice of the Peace, then why shouldn't they be allowed to? I can see if a minister/priest isn't able to do it, they are bound by their religious views. But a politician who is voting on a Same Sex Marriage law shouldn't be.
One of the original reasons people came to this country was for religious freedom. It's one of the things our country was founded on - SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. But even after all these years our country is still being run by people who are doing so based off their own religious beliefs and not based off ethics of what is best for all people in America. I personally am not an overly religious person. While I do believe in HIM, I don't believe that any one religion has the story right 100%. How can they? Religions were written down and recorded by MAN. And MAN is known to embellish, exaggerate, and change events to support their own purpose. 
If you honestly put your own religious beliefs aside and really thought about it, besides the typical ignorant response of  - 'Cause it's gross' - what other reason would there be for two men or two women who love each other, just as much as a man and a woman love each other, not to be able to be joined in a legal union? Notice I didn't say holy union. I don't know enough about what it says about homosexuality in the bible, depends on who you ask. But either way, it shouldn't matter in politics. If politicians truly voted on what the people want, then Same Sex Marriage should be allowed. I've seen recent polls that over 50% of Americans polled now say they support it. And why shouldn't we? I've also seen recently that there are 19 states that allow restriction-free marriages between couples - meaning 1st cousins can get married! 19 states allow you to marry your first cousin regardless of the stigma in the US about that, but only 5 states allow Same Sex Marriage!! What?? Seriously - What?? This is just one more form of discrimination. Imagine if you were told you weren't allowed to marry the one person you loved more than anything and think about how that would make you feel. Everything else aside, how would you feel? So why should any of us be allowed to do that to someone else?
If you have reasons other than religious ones, then I'd love to hear them. I'd also love to hear more support for Same Sex Marriage. The more that is out there, maybe the more the politicians will actually start listening to us as the people they are supposed to represent.

1 comment:

  1. Religious views should definitely not be the deciding factor in passing laws. While I was brought up Catholic, I do not believe a lot of the Catholic views, especially when it comes to things such as homosexuality. I believe that people do not chose this lifestyle, they are born that way and it isn't something that can be undone. It is sad when they cannot be considered equal under the laws regarding marriage. I believe it is unconstitutional to prevent same sex marriages. They should have the same rights as everyone else and should not be discriminated against. And some say that same sex marriage would destroy the values of marriage. Boy, is that a stupid statement!! How many people today get divorced??? I can't see how allowing people of the same sex to marry is going to destroy anything! Time to start making our government a government for ALL the people, not just those that have the same religious views as those that are in office.
