Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reading into the future....

So I covered a controversial topic in my last blog. Now its time for something a little more like fluff! I have been fighting the e-book thing for awhile. You know first there was the Kindle, then a few copy cats, now you can get e-books everywhere on the I-pods and Android systems. I finally caved and downloaded the Kindle application for my Droid phone. And guess what....I kind of like it.
I downloaded a couple of books for my Android Kindle from Amazon and started reading away. Don't get me wrong, I will always love my paper back books. I love nothing more when sitting on the beach then having a book in hand. And there's just something magical in the pages of a paper book. Some piece of history that I'm not ready to completely let go of yet.
I think about the differences in the generations from when I was a kid to now. I suppose every generation does. I mean, I'm only 30, but to look at the generations coming up now and to think they will never know what its like to grow up without a computer at the ready or a cell phone in hand. I don't want to think of the days when a generation doesn't know what its like to flip through the pages of an old book, maybe a used one with some notes scribbled in the corner from the previous owner and being able to relive that through the book. It's a little sad to me actually. But I guess that is bound to happen as technology advances more and more.
I do have to say though, it is nice to be able to read a few pages of a good book here and there when I have some random time to kill.
How do you feel about e-books and technology wiping away the past?


  1. I know you don't remember it, because part of it was before you were born and the rest you were under 3, but when we lived in Surry, we would go times with no running water and we did not have regular tv. We bought our first vcr (for about $1000) and recorded tv shows in Keene at our appliance store, then brought them home and the boys were able to watch some tv. We had no cable out there and no antenna reception so could not pick up anything on tv. And the entire house was heated with wood, so we had to chop the wood, stack it and lug it in the house. And this was in the late 70's and early 80's! Those were the days!!

  2. Technology is great and has made life so much easier in a lot of ways, but there is still something to be said for simpler times and simpler ways of life. But I love having the computer and Facebook and email!!! So much easier to stay in touch with everyone. And I think I would prefer to actually read an actual book, than an e-book. But it is much easier to carry an e-book around than the actual book and e-books save trees and much easier to store an e-book. So there are plus and minuses to all technology.

  3. I do love FB and email to be able to keep in touch with people all around the world. Writing letters is such a pain! An email or a text is so much easier. Sometimes too easy sometimes.
    Thanks for commenting!
